Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Chat Post 2.0

Other chat post was way down when new posts came up and so Im making a new one, as usual this is a post where you can discuss anything, post sites or just play. Anything can be discussed here, I dont care what you post here as long as its appropriate and doesnt start a fight. But anyway, just go on as usual :)


  1. anyone have a description for Paradox or Venture?

  2. ZacTimez, are you kidding me? And I'm still working on the Venture Council site. Tell you guys when it gets better.

  3. UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!
    Chance of getting rares from Roo Morg and Nuckal have been decreased sharply. Please spread the word so the enemy camping will stop.

  4. Sorry Murphy, just wanted to say, wont say anything again, and again, sorry.

    Also, did we do any corporate Takeovers yet?

    And Im not sure if you guys saw my post but just wanted to tell you guys this.

    My council is doing a Update check and sort of News thing every now and then to show how our team has progressed and so I suggest that we migrate it to this team as well. We call it the Sentinel Timez.

    But we can call it the Nexus Timez here. I will of course be writing it because it fits the name :P

    Anyone like?

    Also Good luck on your site, and again sorry murphy :/

  5. What did you do? I'm not the kind of guy that gets offended easily, you dont need to keep apologizing...

  6. Have you guys heard that song Friday by Rebecca Black? I heard it today and my ears exploded. She has NO talent, do NOT listen to the song. She even sounded horrible with the massive autotune, and not to mention the HILARIOUSLY ridiculous lyrics!

  7. Reminds me of Justin Beiber :P


  8. The Big Trade

    Hi. I'm KingofTrade. I want Bat Lord Pants, Jester Hat, and Bat Lord Shirt together and will trade:

    All the Nexus Force Supply Crates I can get,
    All the money I have at the time (usually a lot),
    1 Elite Long Barrel Blaster,
    5 Heroic Tridents of Lightning,
    5 Iron Barbutes,
    2 Mosaic Jester Wands,
    2 Sets of Nexus Airtanks,
    2 Explorien Bot Helmets,
    1 Scale Mail Shirt,
    many consumables,
    5 Blacktron Shirts,
    5 Knotwork Shields,
    3 Explorien Bot Shirts,
    2 Fantastic Pilums,
    2 Blocks Shirts,
    3 Banded Armors,
    4 Dancin' Hats,
    5 Futuron Shirts,
    and 2 Bone Suit Shirts.

  9. Guys, REALLY sorry for the multiple posts, but I would like to hire a member of the Paradox and Assembly Councils to help my team on Sunday, March 26, 2011 from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. If you would like to help, please go to the topic "Team Amazing Chat Room" on the Team up! subforum, say you're from the __________ Council and would like to help. My second-in-command, ocrayn (Fred) will tell you your position. I will pay.

  10. I did it! I made it so if you click my name, you go to the message board page!!! [:)]

  11. thats alot of stuff i need bat pants to.

  12. Yah rebecca black is the WORST singer Ever!!
    And joey,dont call beiber beaver. Thats an insult to me cause im from Canada.
    He's a disgrace to my country!
    Anyone see the video of Beibz getting shot on csi?
    Can't stop watching it!!

    This is soo great that we can be as off topic as we want!!!

  13. XD

    My fave bands:
    Relient K
    Deas Vail
    Secret & Whisper
    GlaDOS & Jonathan Coulton (Still Alive FTW!!!)

    That's all I can think of right now. I'm more into alternative and rock, not hiphop or rap.

  14. I am SO glad that the roo moorg and nuckal profit is down!! I used to think it was WAY too easy!!!

    Ultra, out. I didn't sign this time, but it is me. I hope I can trust you know it's me.

  15. Sorry about the Beaver thing, Quantum.

  16. no prob i was being sarcastic,u know


  17. Anybody wanna share e-mail adresses so we can mail each other?

    Mine is ladr123@gmail.com

    Also,is there any way i can help update the members and the
    Meetings on the site? Their really out of date!

    Also i will make a section of my site that has all
    My teams codes and vault info,that will be by invitation only.
    Its gonna be a stand alone blog so i can make it for all teams if you want.

    Oh and is it ok if i manage the paradox council while beta and jet are gone?


    P.S Jets grounded. I'm sure

  18. Sure. I don't think there'll be any hackers on this site... but just to be sure, I'll use my backup email. It's OutFoxedArtist@gmail.com.

  19. I'd give you mine, but I don't remember the password.

  20. Im too lazy to make one without my real name in it. :P I'll do it now, actually... :P

  21. Lol.
    So umm, we should think of new systems for our team, our team is getting filled with spam because we havent taken action, so we have to come up with ideas, anyone?

  22. Why don't we just, um, oh! I know what to do! Have everyone in the team try to win in the Best Team Screenshot Contest! Offer anyone in the winning screenshot (if it is ours) free team points! I'm doing that with my team! Except I'm offering rares, not points... Anyway, make sure they include Nexus Council Quad Alliance in the description.

  23. wait! wasn't KingofTrade our vault? he cn't be trading his rares, can he?

  24. Uh... I'm trading MY team's rares. Not yours.

  25. Btw, now you can E-mail me and not know my real name! Its BrickBoyz@iinet.com! Zactimez,could I be an admin for this site since I'm one of the Council leaders?

  26. Well you have to ask murphy, Im not the site creator so hes the one who gives authority.

  27. Oh, I didn't know that.

  28. Its ok, so Murphy, can you give him author status?
    Also guys, I have posted a In game event planning topic sort of thing on the Website, check it out, planning will be done on that topic, but please still chat here as well.

  29. Guys, should I make a web site for the Assembly Council?


  30. sorry i haven't been active, guys. I'm sorry I haven't been active. I think I'm doing a bad job as a founder in the Nexus Council. I will try to do better, but it's hard to get to meetings. Can we just have them as we go, not planning them? I can't make that many meetings.


  31. Ultra, YES YOU SHOULD. :P And I sent you an email Jet, it should let you get author status.

  32. And guys, I made an email without my real name in it. Its murphalisious@gmail.com

  33. Hey guys, its my birthday tomorrow :)

    Also, what property will we use for meetings?

  34. Thanks, I will be getting game time soon!

  35. Zac, because you asked, I made a story that has our team name in it. What is your in-game name? The name stays the same when you run out of game time.

  36. The story is called "The Story of All Stories...".

  37. I've so far included SentSurge, AceSpaceCyclone, CoolFirePopcorn, Gyorg, and Murphy's names in the story. Hint: Ultra and Quantum will be in the next Chapter. Anyone else want to be in it? P.S. The link is us.messageboards.lego.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=3616311.

  38. Guys, we need to actually have a meeting. Cant have a team without meetings.

  39. Will anyone give me a description for paradox or venture?

  40. Guys! I made a story with the team in it! It's at messageboards.lego.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=3627135

  41. Sorry guys, I have forgotten to make a site. In the fifth grade, you don't have much time to do things for fun with all that homework! I will try to get a site up soon.


  42. Sorry guys!! It won't let me make an account due to my birthday, but I said I was over 80 and still said I wasn't old enough!!!!!! It's weird...


  43. Just so you guys know, The members page needs to be updated. Chewyanajones is in my team too, and Crane98.


  44. Murphy!! I saw that your're a star wars fan and like elite squadron!! Have you played battlefront2 2 on a high-def TV and with a 360? It is AWESOME!!!!!


  45. Guys!! I''m having a meeting today at my Block Yard, UltraLaserStorm's Assembly Council base, and you can come1

    Eastern Time: 2:40 PM-3:30 PM Central time: 1:40 PM-2:30 PM
    Pacific time: 11:40 AM- 12:30 NOON Mountain time: 12:40 NOON- 1:40 PM

    Hope you can make it!


  46. Hello? Anyone here????


  47. ok, can i post my email with my name in it? its a school email because my mom wont let me have a real email yet.


    P.S. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of people with my name

  48. idk... If its only your first, its probly ok

  49. HEYY EVVYBODY and i just have to say, my lego.com username has my name in it. :P and i dont really care :)

  50. btw, bonus points if you can correctly guess who/what my profile pic is. :)

  51. what is that picture

  52. c'mon... interdimensional rips through space and time? blue and orange? a sequel?

  53. PORTAL 2!!! And thats the robot thats not the blue one.

  54. The Assembly Council blog is up! here is the link-http://assemblycouncil.blogspot.com/

    "Imagination is the living foundation and power of all that is possible and impossible in the universe." - Doctor Overbuild
    We Imagine. We create. We are Assembly.

  55. my email is ultralaserstorm@gmail.com mail me!

  56. ive never played that game

  57. How do you get tabs under the header? Just wondering.

    "Imagination is the living foundation and power of all that is possible and impossible in the universe." - Doctor Overbuild
    We Imagine. We create. We are Assembly.

  58. This is Emperorfred here, with a message from UltraLaserStorm. He needs 1x4 bricks for a base he is building. Over.

    -Emperorfred, Assembly Council Summoner Squad Leader

    "Before you criticize a man, you should always walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you criticize him, you're a mile away and you have his shoes."

  59. Guys, thanks for adding the link to the site. And Emperor, thanks for getting my message through. I would also like if you gave me author status.

    "Imagination is the living foundation and power of all that is possible and impossible in the universe." - Doctor Overbuild
    We Imagine. We create. We are Assembly.

  60. My email is ultralaserstorm@gmail.com. Can I have author status NOW? :P

  61. UltraLaserStorm told me to tell you to look at the Council championship dates once he posts them on the Quad-Alliance topic.

    -JacquesHammer and Emperorfred, Assembly Council 5.6 Summoner Squad Leader

    "So long, and thanks for all the fish."

    Wondering what to do after LEGO Universe closes? See my "And Now for Something Completely Different" topic in the LEGO Universe closing forum!

  62. Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode!

    >> Minecraftcodes.info <<

  63. Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode!

    >> Minecraftcodes.info <<

  64. Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode!

    >> Minecraftcodes.info <<
